Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Miracle Myx Plays

"It's windy," Myx said.

"Refreshing, isn't it?"

"Hard to be refreshed when you're about to fall."

"Just don't think about it. Pretend to be on a nice soft couch somewhere--safe and sound." That should allay all of Myx's trepidations. (Notice how I can dazzle with words I hardly know!?)

"You should be on a couch, Dave--a therapist's couch. Here you are in a children's playground talking to a book."

"If you distract me by pointing out my psychological issues, I might not notice you're falling," I said. "Besides, when have I ever let you fall before, Myx?"

"Do the words 'ice fountain' bring any tragic scenes to mind?"

"No." I'd let Myx decide whether lying or memory loss was a greater psychological issue with me.

Ice Fountain

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