Sunday, April 20, 2008

Miracle Myx Does Hopkinton

"I wanna race!"

Myx sounded determined.

"That ain't gonna happen, Myx."

I sounded determined.

"Twenty-six miles."

"And 385 yards," I added. "I'll run the 385 yards part."

"You do a couple of miles a day," Myx said.

"That means that it takes me almost two weeks to run a marathon. You can time me with a calendar, not a stopwatch."

We were in Hopkinton, the starting point for arguably the most famous race in the world, the Boston Marathon. It takes place each year on a Massachusetts holiday, Patriot's Day.

"Let's go where that crowd is, Dave."

"That's the starting line, Myx--I'm NOT going to explain why I have a book that--"

"I wanna race!"

Race to see Myx in his first book trailer!

Get your OWN copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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