Monday, April 14, 2008

Miracle Myx Quacks Up

"You got me going in circles," Myx said.

"Just like the intricacies of my plot in MIRACLE MYX will have readers," I said with a swagger.

"I set you up, didn't I?"

"Always ready for a nice opportunity to tell our readers a little about the book," I said.

"You think telling them they'll be going in circles is good?"

"Not exactly--I want them to know the plot will keep them guessing and interested the whole way through. I dare them to guess the ending!"

"I'm getting dizzy," Myx said.

The ride was slowly revolving, and I thought it unlikely that Myx would get sick soon.

"Hang on another minute and I'll get you off there," I said.

"It's not the ride, it's your claims."

"Not everyone has your attention to detail, memory, and deductive abilities; it'll be tougher for them. And, besides--don't you usually tell me to promote the book more?"

"You got me going in circles," was all Myx would say for the rest of our outing.

Behold Myx Amens--starring in his own book Trailer!

Get your OWN copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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