Friday, April 18, 2008

Miracle Myx Flows


"You're trying to tell me something," I said.

"Exactamundo!" Myx said.

Myx has the ability to mimic voices. I could tell this was one of his TV impressions.

"Now you're the Fonz from Happy Days. I'm sure I'll have time to regret this later, but may I ask why?"

"Where are we?" Myx asked back.

I hate when he does this. All he wants to do is act smart--which is always at my expense--making me look less than smart.

"We're at a fountain," I said. "That's a clue?"

"What's the etymology of fountain?"

"What do bugs have to do with this, Myx?"

"That's entymology, Dave. I'm talking about the history of the word--which in this case is the Latin word fons, which means source.

"Which translates into Henry Winkler's Fonz," I said as if it made sense.

"Aayy!" Myx said. A double thumbs up would have seemed appropriate if he wasn't a book.

Watch Myx in the book trailer!

Get your OWN copy of Miracle Myx

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