Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Held

"This is more like it," Myx purred!

"Don't get used to it," I said.

It was indeed a rare luxury to be inside, warm and safe--and to be accompanied by a real human being.

"At least she appreciates me," Myx said.

"She's read you, hasn't she?"

We were getting ready to leave Janee's home in Tucson, after an extended stay, and a wonderful vacation. Janee, and her husband Michael (who passed away in October) were among the first to read MIRACLE MYX. I can't tell you how encouraging they both were through the whole writing and publication process (Janee would say, "At least you could try to describe it!").

"Read me--and still likes me!"

"Well, Myx, you've lounged in Tucson and the inspiring countryside for almost two weeks, taking advantage of the scenery and Janee's gracious hospitality. What do you have to say?"

"You call being put on razor wire and cactus lounging? I call it--"

"Myx, what do you say to Janee?"

"Why don't we both say it, Dave."

And, even though it hardly covers the subject, on a warm and sunny day in Tucson, in the bright living room surrounded by far horizons, Myx and I said:

"Thanks for everything, Janee."

Delve into Myx's personality in the book trailer!

Get your OWN copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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