Monday, April 7, 2008

Miracle Myx Objects

"What the hell are we doing here? And--who's she?"

"Myx, that's Jane of Karen Harrington's JANEOLOGY," I said as if that was going to be the end of it.

"And--the 'here' part of my question?"

"What's JANEOLOGY sound like?"

"Genealogy ... awww ... noooo!"

"Yep--you're in the--"

"Family tree! Is this that legal thriller you've been spouting about?"

"Yeah. It's about a mother--"

"I object, Your Honor!" Myx declared.

"Myx, this is a good book," I said.

"Hearsay, Your Honor!"

"You're not going to keep saying courtroom lawyer phrases, are--"

"The Counsel is leading the witness, Your Honor! And, Dave: why did you leave a sinkful of water at home?" Myx actually sounded curious.

"I didn't leave any water," I said, puzzled.

"If you didn't, and I didn't--"

"Uh-oh," we both said.

Learn Myx's secrets in the book trailer!

Get your OWN copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!


Karen Harrington said...

Thanks, Dave! That is a cool photo.

Cheryl Tardif said...

Leaf it to Dave to go out on a limb and take someone with him! ;-)

Well, good for Karen/Jane.

From the looks of the photo, the girls have more bark than Myx. Maybe Myx needs a push up the trunk.


God, I love this blog!

Cheryl Kaye Tardif,
author of Whale Song