Friday, February 22, 2008

Miracle Myx Needs Hugs

"I didn't even get her name," Myx said.

"She wanted to remain anonymous," I said.

"You could have gotten her name at least."

"Well--I did this on the run, yanno. I saw her tattoo and wanted to get you two together," I said.

"I like it; it's graceful, stylish, and artfully done. She told me it's two people dancing," Myx announced.

"Where was I when she was telling you that?"

"You're always there, Dave--but you don't always listen!"

"Yeah--I have other duties while you're getting up close and personal," I said. Myx sometimes ... OK, all the time, looks at things from a Myx-o-centric universe point of view.

"Getting a hug like this--inside and warm--is much better than where you usually deposit me."

"I agree," I said, "and the tattoo reminds me of yours on your--"

"Maybe you should let readers find out about that interesting fact while unraveling the mystery of MIRACLE MYX."

"Maybe your right; now quit snuggling and say 'tat' when I nod."

I snapped this pic.

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