Saturday, February 9, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Sweet

"The Spanish Civil War," Myx said.

"What?" I thought my answer was elegant and to the point.

"Instead of complaining about setting me up here where I can take a toss to the ground at any minute--I'll try to broaden your knowledge and activate maybe one or two synapses in that sluggish system you call a brain."

"Thanks ... I think. What does the Spanish Civil War have to do with anything?" Myx was a know-it-all; he would not only admit it, but, be more than happy to prove it to you. I hoped he would do just that while I took this photo.

"On a trip to Spain, Forrest Mars saw some soldiers eating chocolate encased in a hard candy crust. This prevented melting while shooting and being shot at. Ol' Forrest came back to his stove in the US and whipped up a batch of imitations, and started to sell them in 1941."

Myx was rolling and I only had to snap the pic and get him outta there.

"They became a favorite of GIs in WWII when they were shipped in cardboard tubes."

"Why are they called M&M'S?" Why do I get hooked into being interested in Myx's expositions?

"Bruce Murrie--the other 'M' was the partner of Mars at the time. Dave--how am I like M&M'S?"

"Oh boy ... how?"

"Tell our readers I won't melt in their hands!"

Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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