Saturday, February 23, 2008

Miracle Myx Looks Rundown

"I hear a car."

"Myx, there's nothing coming. Believe me," I said.

"Believe you? You're not the one sitting here like a speed bump! And--you don't have my hearing."

"I don't have your hearing, but mine is sharp enough to notice a car within 50 feet of you," I explained.

"It's not like I can leap outta the way here, Dave."

"Do you think I'd let anything happen to my little buddie?"

"Who are you now? The Skipper? Just hurry up"

We had been waiting outside the garage for a while. Traffic had slowed enough and I gambled (with Myx's hide--or I should say, dustjacket) that we could get a few shots before another auto ventured through the entrance.

"You actually look really good there against the dark entrance," I said. A little ego massage never failed to shake loose Myx's cooperation.

"It won't work, Dave. Less talking--more aiming."

"We almost have it," I said while clicking and getting that reassuring recorded whirrr from my camera.

"I hear a car!" Myx said with urgency.

This time--he was right!

Get your copy of Miracle Myx

Dave's Kunati Page

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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