Saturday, February 16, 2008

Miracle Myx Clocks In

"Time doesn't matter much to you, does it, Myx?"

"Just because I never sleep anymore?"

We were posing with the big, impressive 4-sided clock in Wrentham. It was cold, and I knew I wanted to keep Myx distracted for as long as I could. I'd talk about his favorite subject: him.

"That and ... well--yeah, that!"

"I found it hard at first never to have sleep as a divider. Never to have that punctuation mark that lets one day contain itself and define itself as a whole," Myx said.

I was backing up during Myx's little discussion. Myx had lost the ability to sleep after an unfortunate encounter in MIRACLE MYX. A few more seconds and I'd take the picture, explain myself to a few passersby, and we'd be out of there!

"Dave, you sniff a lot in your sleep."

"Do you see the size of my nose? Wait a second--you watch me in my sleep?


Get your copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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