Thursday, February 28, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Driven

"Not even accurate," Myx said.

"Why do you have to start off with a negative?" I asked.

"Why can't you get it right? The title of this blog entry should be about me driving!"

If Myx thought I, a seasoned writer (I won't tell you which season!), was going to justify my choices about word selection, he--

"The word 'driven' is a good selection because it can be taken two ways: literally, because you're in the cute little car there, and psychologically, because of your mental and emotional makeup."


"I do some driving in the book," Myx said.

I knew he wouldn't acknowledge any argument that made logical sense to him. Myx was referring to actually taking the wheel in MIRACLE MYX, something an unlicensed "driver" should never do. But, Myx, with his synesthetic reflexes, might be the best driver you'll meet.

"You're new buddy there looks ready to go," I said.

"Outta my way--we're comin' through!"

Get your own copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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