Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Miracle Myx Gets Catty

"I think Paige likes you," I said.

I had been lucky--for once. As soon as I set MIRACLE MYX down, Paige, my friend Harriet's cat circled and sniffed, and even tried to peer inside. What a relief to have something go right for a change on my daily quest for a suitable photo.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Myx said.

"You be nice to this cat--no killing, maiming, or scaring; she seems a little skittish." Any sudden movement on my part made Paige leap for her life.

"Like a cat on a hot tin roof," Myx said.

"You're not going to play that game again ... using old sayings?"

"You just let the cat out of the bag!"

"Then, Myx--I'm not talking to you any more."

"Cat got your tongue?"

"I won't play your game."

"Cat and mouse?" Myx countered.

"Myx, you really have to--"

"Look what the cat dragged in!"

I knew Myx was pleased with himself: he was grinning like a Cheshire Cat!

Miracle Myx

Dave's MySpace!

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