Thursday, February 21, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Grand

"Do you play, Myx?"

"I don't know; I haven't tried."

Myx, with his perfect memory, probably could watch someone play once and recreate the performance flawlessly. His synesthetic memory was incredible, and served him well amidst the dark deeds of MIRACLE MYX.

"I do know that there are 88 keys housed in there," Myx continued.

"You'e not going to start in on a lecture are you?" Sometimes--well--a lot of the time, Myx liked to show off something he'd read or seen. Why he wanted to show off to me is beyond me. I threatened him many times that I'd leave him on the shelf if he didn't stop.

He knew it was an idle threat.

"Did you know that each note of a grand piano has 35 points of adjustment?"

"I have no idea what that means--or why I'd need to know it. Why it's called a piano would be more useful," I said.

"Short for piano et forte, or soft and loud," Myx said with some of his usual pride. I won't call it arrogance this time.

"Myx, that's plenty of trivia for one--"

"The piano was invented in 1698 by an Italian, Bartolomeo Cristofori. It's interesting that he..."

Get your copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Myx...

Is that Holly Hunter in the background?

Heard she doesn't say much :)


Relax at Stella Dieci Mini Spa