Friday, February 8, 2008

Miracle Myx Gets Shelved

"They're not talking to me," Myx said.

"The other books?"

"Yeah--they must be jealous, because they're giving me the cold shoulder."

"At least that's the only kind of cold you're getting, Myx."

"They at least could be courteous."

"Maybe it's because you're a newcomer and it takes a while for some acceptance," I said. A little reasoning, even if based on fantasy and false logic, goes a long way with Myx.

"Dave--we're in the 'New Book' section. Look at all those 14-day stickers on ... errr ... they're not gonna plaster me with those things are they?"

"Only after you're published and find your place in libraries across the country. It'll help that you're being reviewed in the March 15th Booklist. That will show librarians why their library needs a copy of you!"

"Isn't that the Ides of March? Et tu, Booklist?" Myx said with a dramatic flair.

"It'll be a great review." I sounded as confident as my experience with feedback permitted. Every single person who read MIRACLE MYX so far had loved it.

"These books still aren't chatting."

"Myx--books don't talk," I said.


Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!


Anonymous said...

Watch your back cover on the Ides, Myx...

maybe you should wear another book jacket that day and go incognito.

A nice Rachael Ray jacket would look nice on you!

Marisa Tomei already said, "Yah, you'll blend."


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Gemma Halliday said...

Man, this book gets out way more than I do. Lol!
