Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Miracle Myx Goes Fishing

"I'm gonna fall in," Myx said.

"Myx, the top is enclosed. Sure it's got openings for feeding purposes, but you're fine."

"Those fish would strip me to the bones in seconds."

"A book has bones? Those aren't pirahnas--and, do you think the aroma of wet cardboard and paper would lure them close?" I thought that should allay any of Myx's fears.

"Did you see how some of them are looking at me?"

"They're just curious, Myx. They've never seen such a famous book up close," I said. Sure, I was pouring it on; but--this was Myx I was talking to, and he needed hyperbole as a steady diet.

"I'm gonna fall in."

Maybe a slight redirection of the subject would work: "Myx, you actually take care of some fish in MIRACLE MYX."

"Oh yeah! I do it so I have the run of a nice computer while a guy is on his frequent trips out of town. He always has a pantry that's stocked with goodies. A good arrangement for me and my needs."

"Your needs?"

"I need to get outta here. I'm gonna fall in!"

Get your copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!


Anonymous said...

Myx, I love you! Dave, I love you too!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Myx...

a book does have a spine...

I'm sure they could smell that!