Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Miracle Myx Makes Booklist

"So, Dave ... what does this mean?"

"You're in Booklist," I said, as if that alone explained something. But, I was curious where Myx would take this.

"It's an ad, Dave. It's paid for--not like a review ... or a starred review!"

My feeling of superiority evaporated like it almost always did when I was in a battle of wits with Myx Amens. He just had too much of his own curiosity and sheer force of mental capacity for me to surprise him much.

"I shoulda known that--"

"Do you think you really need the arrow?"

"I don't want anyone to miss that you're actually in the ad," I said.

"Librarians love me! How can they miss my handsome face, my bold cover, my sexy stare?"

"Sexy stare?"

Booklist is a magazine librarians rely on for information concerning books worthy of being included in their stacks. This ad, along with Kunati spring catalogs that are to soon be included in an issue--AND--an actual review of MIRACLE MYX in the mid-March issue should get Myx noticed. Libraries across the country would soon have copies for you to take on little trips to interesting places yourself!

Maybe even take your own photos!

"I'm looking good!" Myx sounded absorbed. Self-absorbed was good while I was taking photos of him.

"Now, Myx, why do librarians love you?"

Get your copy of Miracle Myx

Diotalevi MySpace Emporium!


Linda Merlino said... book is there too...
Thanks for talking up Booklist...
Still wearing those red shoes, Linda Merlino, author, Belly of the Whale

Janee said...

So cool, Myx! :D