Thursday, January 17, 2008

Miracle Myx Needs Hugs

"I thought you would like this," I said.

"This is more like it," Myx said. "Usually you have me posing in some cold, lonely, dangerous locale that I can't wait to get out of."

"Myx, I try to get some shots that are interesting and fun. You have to admit we have fun."

"I have to admit something? Even though you created me, Dave, sometimes I don't think you know me very well."

"I knew you were going to say that!"

Heh, heh! I was giving Myx a little mental jiu-jitsu to chew on. Trouble is--Myx is way smarter and recondite (yeah, I had to look it up!) than I am--so no advantage of mine ever lasts too long. What I usually follow up with, before he can intellectually checkmate me again for the umteenth time, is to distract him.

"Looks like she has a thing for you, Myx!" That should play to his ego and direct any thoughts away from his favorite target--me!

"If I weren't a book--I'd have a thing for her! Now, Dave--getting back to you ....


Miracle Myx

Dave's MySpace Wonderland

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