Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Miracle Myx Looks Parched

"Bubbler," Myx said.

"What?" I'm always on top of things, aren't I?

"Up here, in Massachusetts, we call this thing a bubbler."

Myx was playing nice for a change so I thought I'd add to the conversation while focusing the camera: "My friend, Janee, laughed at me when I called it that this past summer. She calls it a water fountain or a drinking fountain--I can't remember which."

"Kohler," Myx said.

"What?" See how good a conversationalist I am.

"Kohler invented the bubbler in 1888. It used to shoot straight up and look 'bubbly.' Then they arced the stream like it is now. Other companies copied it and called it 'gusher' or 'gurgler'--stuff like that." Myx was showing off.

I asked the question I usually asked, "How do you know all this?"

"Saw it in a book."

Myx had synesthesia--a mingling of his senses--and that gave him a photographic memory. He could glance at something today, and recite it verbatim years from now. Some would be humbled by such an ability--not Myx.

"Hurry up before I get wet here," said Myx.

Miracle Myx

Friend Dave on Myspace!

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