Saturday, January 19, 2008

Miracle Myx Meets The Bald Chick

"I like her," Myx said.

"You haven't stopped saying that," I said.

We had met Laura Duksta, a.k.a. The Bald Chick, on Friday at the Barnes & Noble in Framingham. It had started out with a typical New England "wintery mix" in the morning--but had turned in to an afternoon filled with brilliant sunshine.

But, the brilliance and the light had just started when we met Laura. She's a force of nature--smart, articulate, funny, and in tune with the universe.

"You didn't have to keep interrupting her, Dave."

"It was a conversation, Myx--Laura talked, I talked. It's what people do."

"Yeah, but she was interesting."


"I like her," Myx said.

"I get it, Myx. What did you think about the success story of her book, I LOVE YOU MORE?"

"See--now THAT was special--and you kept droning on about your first book, and your temporary facial tattoo language, and your running. I was almost in tears," Myx said.

"I droned? A book can shed tears?"

"I like her."


Miracle Myx

Dave's MySpace

The Bald Chick's MySpace

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Myx...I like you too! A Lot! But you have to be a little nicer to Dave :-) It was a conversation. It was like seeing an old friend who I hadn't seen in many years...we had so much to catch up on and share. I'm certain we could have talked for days!
It was so nice to meet you. I can't wait till April! And tell Dave he's got a a really important message to share with the world and I am counting on hearing more and more from him! (It must have something to do with the bald head ;-))