Saturday, June 28, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Vane

"Cocks," Myx said.

"What?" See how expressive I can be when given the right opportunity!

"Also called weather cocks when in the form of a rooster," Myx explained.

"And I suppose you'll explain how a weather vane works, too."

"Other than telling you that the front and back halves have to be of equal weight, but not equal area--NO!"

"Weight so it spins easily and--"

"Area so the vane always points into the wind--the greater area in the back rotates it that way. The directional pointers below let you name the wind."

Myx always sounds a bit smug when giving me some facts. Awww ... why not let him have his fun! But, I couldn't resist adding one fact of my own:

"Airports use weather socks to show the direction and strength of the wind. Socks and cocks, Myx!" Now I felt smug at my own rhyming.

"Sounds like a theme for you next night alone, Dave," Myx said.

Point yourself towards Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

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