Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Miracle Myx Gets Parked


"Myx, I very gently set you down there," I said.


We were in a municipal parking lot in Worcester. A beautiful day, and what I thought was a unique and interesting shot.

"This has some real art in it--yanno how you're hanging there and how time seems to hang when things are in suspension." I didn't know what I was talking about, but sometimes if I blabbered a little, it took Myx's mind off of the situation he was complaining about.


Myx's voice had that hold-your-breath hoarseness that only comes when you're in pain or afraid that pain was just one short false move away.

"We're just about there, Myx. This reminds me of the day I--"


Hurry to watch Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!


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