Monday, June 30, 2008

Miracle Myx Seals The Deal

"Haven't we done this before, Dave?"

Myx was always ready to point out weaknesses, omissions, and redundancies. Months ago, I had taken a photo of Myx with the Massachusetts state flag. In the blog, we had explained all about the state seal. Myx was just highlighting that fact.

"Just because I pointed out the meaning of the Native American--"

"The Indian drowned me, killed me the second time," Myx stated, maybe a little too quietly.

"Yes, in MIRACLE MYX that does happen. You call Johnny Bearcloud 'the Indian' all through the book," I said.

"Maybe I've got a right to. Maybe--"

"Myx, where is this all coming from? Where's the light and breezy banter that we're famous for?

"Hmmm? You're right, Dave. What's a little drowning between friends." After a short pause, Myx added: "Famous?"

"Sounded good!" I said with my cheery voice.

Pow wow with Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Miracle Myx Recycles

"Don't you dare put me in there, Dave."

"I would never do that, Myx."


"Not unless it would make for a better picture!" I admitted.

"I suppose you have something to say about recycling," Myx said.

"Only that it's a good idea and everybody needs to do what they can."

"I know you, Dave--unfortunately. You have some other use for this symbolism, don't you?"

"Well, I was just going to say that I don't particularly like mysteries that recycle old ideas, motives, plots, and characters. I would never do that!"

"Never?" Myx sang.

Recycle through Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Vane

"Cocks," Myx said.

"What?" See how expressive I can be when given the right opportunity!

"Also called weather cocks when in the form of a rooster," Myx explained.

"And I suppose you'll explain how a weather vane works, too."

"Other than telling you that the front and back halves have to be of equal weight, but not equal area--NO!"

"Weight so it spins easily and--"

"Area so the vane always points into the wind--the greater area in the back rotates it that way. The directional pointers below let you name the wind."

Myx always sounds a bit smug when giving me some facts. Awww ... why not let him have his fun! But, I couldn't resist adding one fact of my own:

"Airports use weather socks to show the direction and strength of the wind. Socks and cocks, Myx!" Now I felt smug at my own rhyming.

"Sounds like a theme for you next night alone, Dave," Myx said.

Point yourself towards Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Miracle Myx Bullies

"And so, my friends, I want you to--"

"Myx, do you have to use that stentorian voice?" I asked.

"Do you even know what that means, Dave?"

"Do I ever use a big word that I haven't recently looked up--because I can't remember them for more than a few days? So, yes, I know what that means."

"Tell everyone about how you made a resolution to read the whole dictionary a couple of pages a day for a whole year until you finished a 750 page volume--and you finished it at the end of November of that year," Myx said.

"I don't think they--"

"And how all it did for you was what?"

I knew Myx only wanted to embarrass me. So, I might as well quickly admit the outcome of my well-intentioned experiment: "The end result was that I still couldn't remember what the uncommon words meant, but it would give me a little shot of joy when I recognized a word in print and say 'Hey! I read that in the dictionary!' Satisfied, Myx?"

"My friends," said Myx in that orator's voice again, "you see before you a man whose dreams exceed his--"

"That really is a bully pulpit, Myx," I said.

Look up Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Miracle Myx Takes It for Granite

"You went for the old joke," Myx said.

"Oldies but goodies!"

"And now, a cliche! How original of you, Dave."

"You talk like originality is a virtue, Myx. My granite title just gets us into this subject--the monolith you're leaning against."

"Yeah, it's pink granite like what was quarried here for many years," Myx said.

"No searching that memory of yours for some obscure facts about granite--maybe not a full blown lecture ... just enough to make me dozy?" For some reason, I was actually enjoying this battle of wits with Myx. Unfortunately, most battles ended up with an embarrassing finish for me.

"The only rocks I'll mention, then, are the ones in your head!"

"How original," I said.

See how Myx's book trailer rocks!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Miracle Myx Gets The Gate

"You're giving a false impression," Myx said.

"By taking this picture?"

"By the subject of today's blog. Getting the gate means something dismissive."

I thought about it for a moment, not too long because I never think too much about criticism--call that my superpower, or my fatal flaw.

"Be careful, Myx; you might give the impression that I'm striving for reality."

"Reality is never something that's very close to the surface of our little talks, Dave."

"Right! I mean ... huh?"

"Just take the photo before I fall off here."

"You're rushing me, Myx."

"Dave, I'm just giving you the gate!"

Swing over to see Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Miracle Myx Gets Parked


"Myx, I very gently set you down there," I said.


We were in a municipal parking lot in Worcester. A beautiful day, and what I thought was a unique and interesting shot.

"This has some real art in it--yanno how you're hanging there and how time seems to hang when things are in suspension." I didn't know what I was talking about, but sometimes if I blabbered a little, it took Myx's mind off of the situation he was complaining about.


Myx's voice had that hold-your-breath hoarseness that only comes when you're in pain or afraid that pain was just one short false move away.

"We're just about there, Myx. This reminds me of the day I--"


Hurry to watch Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Miracle Myx Hits A High Note

"Time to trumpet the virtues of MIRACLE MYX!" I said.

"You have no shame, Dave."

"You know me too well, Myx."

"Most people would be at least a little bit subtle in their own praise of their own book," Myx said.

"What happens to most people?"

"They don't write a book, then go on to not have it published, then proceed not to have it read."

"What part are we at?"

"After what I just said, that question makes no sense, but I'll tell you the answer you're looking for: we're trying to get MIRACLE MYX read at this point," Myx said.

"And that's why we're trumpeting why readers will enjoy your character and the weird mystery that surrounds Miracle, Massachusetts in the book."

"Cornetting," Myx said.

"What?" I eloquently asked.

"That's a cornet, not a trumpet--so we're cornetting all my good qualities!"

See Myx's book trailer hit the right note!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Miracle Myx Fixes It

"I'm thinking about a number of things--that weren't important yesterday ..."

Myx was singing. I recognized the tune from the 60s.

"Is that what that statue is evoking, Myx? By the way, you got the words wrong it's: 'I'm taking the time for a number of things that weren't important yesterday.'"

"And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong--I'm right--where I belong--I'm right--where I belong."

"Your mind is wandering, Myx." Hey--I know how to play along!

"I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in--and stops my mind from wandering--where it will go."

"Was that just a variation of 'wondering' I always wondered," I said. "Guess it just how you use words to paint your meaning." Boy was I cooperating today!

"I'm painting a room in a colorful way--and when my mind is wandering--there I will go," Myx sang ... in a low and thoughtful voice.

Wander over to Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Miracle Myx Rises Above It

"I take it heights don't bother you, Myx?"

This, of course, was just a question to lubricate the conversation.

"You, of all people, Dave, should know that climbing is one of my passions. You said so in MIRACLE MYX."

"Yeah--that and running. You run every day, right?"

More slipperiness!

"Just like my Papa! Thought you'd like that! Now don't take that as an opening to start giving me fatherly advice."

Myx was being kind of nice today. Maybe it was the view we were getting from the glass elevator we were taking. It looked down at the huge atrium of St. Vincent's Hospital.

"Papa don't preach," I said--rather proud of my quick wit.

"Madonna mia!" Myx exclaimed.

Elevate your mind with a look at Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Miracle Myx Finds A Friend

"Is this your favorite thing, Myx?"

"Actually being with another human being?" Myx asked.


"You know what I mean, Dave. Instead of just having inanimate objects all around me, it's nice to be held by someone who can read."

"Do you know that Beisong has a brilliant son who's going to college this fall?"

"Like I haven't been listening? Of course I know. I know lots of things about the people who've been reading me all across the country. Do you think I only listen to you, Dave?"

"Why don't you tell me all about some of our more interesting readers then?" I thought it only fair that Myx should share his adventures now that sales of MIRACLE MYX had brought him into homes in every state.

"Keeping stuff from you, Dave--now that's my favorite thing!" Myx said.

Watch Myx's favorite book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Grandfathered In

"Ready for some tick talk, Myx?"

"You stole my joke," Myx said.

"I only steal from the best," I said.

"We know that's not true. You steal from anybody you think has a good line."

"And ...?"

"I should have known. Do you know why these clocks are so accurate?" Myx asked.

"Because of the pendulum. The length of the pendulum dictates the time of the period, the full swing of back and forth. The first pendulum clock was invented by Christiaan Huygens in 1637, although he never lived to see the final product."

I did it I beat Myx to the punch this time--before he could show off with his encyclopedic knowledge. I had just read up on the subject for just this purpose. Of course I'd forget it all within a week, unlike Myx who could remember things indefinitely with his synesthetic memory.

"Now who's tick talking," Myx said.

Time to see Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Miracle Myx Goes Green

"People are going to think this is about the environment, Dave," Myx said.

"Instead, it's about our Celts 'cleaning up' with another championship!"

The Boston Celtics had just won their 17th NBA championship, and I thought it appropriate to celebrate.

"Please don't tell me this is going to make you tell your Larry Bird story," Myx said.

"It was 1981, and the Celtics had just beat the Houston Rockets ..."

"Oh God--no!" Myx said.

"... and my friend Bob and I were working at the Prudential Center in Boston on the day of the big parade. We snuck out of work and walked down to where the parade was going to start--at some hotel. The streets were packed, so I said to Bob--"

"Let's go in this side door of the hotel," Myx interrupted. "How many times do I have to hear this, Dave?"

"So we go in the door," I said, "and there's the whole Celtic team waiting to go out to the duckboats parked in front for the parade. Bob and I shook all their hands and congratulated them. If you've never been around immensely tall basketball players, let me tell you, you feel like--"

"... you're 10 years old. We get it, Dave."

I wasn't going to let Myx ruin my recollections, so I continued.

"The time came for the Celtics to make their way to the vehicles, and they filed out, one-by-one, to the thunderous applause of the crowd. Larry Bird was last--followed by me! Then the NBA Championship trophy was handed person-to-person along until I handed it to Larry Bird atop the duckboat. He reached down and then stood up with it at his waist--"

"The crowd went silent," Myx said.

"The crowd went silent," I repeated, "and then Larry held the trophy over his head--and the crowd erupted in the loudest cheer I've ever heard. I suddenly realized that tears were streaming down my face from the sheer joy and awe of the moment. I looked around and saw I wasn't the only one!"

"The end," Myx said in a bored voice.

"What did you think of that, Myx?"

"Now I have tears in my eyes," Myx answered.

Cry out for Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Miracle Myx Signs Up

We were on a local bike path and I saw this sign. It's to keep the path safe for walkers and bikers alike. Every once in a while, there will be a motor vehicle on it--you turn at the sound and see it's a local policeman on a motorcycle patrolling the path.

"This only reminds me that it sucks not to drive," Myx said.

"You say that several times in MIRACLE MYX."

"You can see why--I need to get places in a hurry sometimes."

"You seem to do pretty well by asking for rides," I said.

"Depending on the kindness of others, as the famous playwright said."

"Myx, your getting rides usually has nothing to do with kindness--you lie, coerce, swindle, and blackmail people into doing your bidding," I said.

"You make that seem like a bad thing!"

"Yeah--silly me."

"Anyway," Myx said, "it sucks not to drive--yet!"

Hitch up to Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Dandy

"Aren't you ever afraid I'll get wet or dirty, Dave?"

"Do we have to discuss this, Myx?"

"Awww! You're trying to be clever: 'do we' and 'dewy' like the grass is."

"I'm the man!" I said with a lot more enthusiasm than I felt.

"You do try, Dave. Emphasis on try."

"Other than being moist and grassy--do you like the sea of dandelions that I chose for this pic?"

"Always pretty with the bright yellow. You thought I was going for the 'dandy' reference like you did in the subject line."

"I would have, Myx. You know how clever I am!"

"Instead, I'll tell you they're named after the shape of the pointed leaves: dent-de-lion means lion's tooth in old French," Myx said in that tone he uses to lecture me.

"Now who's trying to be clever?"

"Dave, there's a difference between smart and clever. How does that make you feel, Dave?"

"Dandy," I said.

Sink your teeth into Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Miracle Myx Goes Large

"You're sure this is the biggest, Dave?"

"It was in the newspaper, wasn't it?"

"Oh--now that makes it true!"

We were standing in front of the world's largest rhododendron in Hopkinton, MA. It was dozens of feet long and just as deep. The blooms had seen their peak and were starting to fade; every time I passed it I had vowed to bring Myx along the next time and take a pic. I would remember my vow the very next time I passed--without Myx again. Finally, here we were!

"Do you know what rhododendron means, Dave?"

"Does it mean 'I'm a smartass who needs to let everyone think I know everything' or something along those lines, Myx?"

"Close," Myx said. "Rose tree is the real translation. I won't even tell you now whether it's evergreen or deciduous."

"Promise!" I said.

Look at Myx's bloomin' book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Miracle Myx Sleeps With The Fishes

"I'm lucky there's glass here," Myx said.

"You think that thing would latch onto you, Myx?"

"Look at that sucking mouth!"

"I wish I had a nickel for--"

"You're so predictable," Myx interrupted. "Why not keep to the script?"

"We got a script?" I was buying just a little time while I angled not to get the glare of the flash--if it flashed (I had the camera set to auto).

"Just take the photo before this tank springs a leak and glues my pages together," Myx said.

"Speaking of gluing pages together, I wish I had a--"

"So predictable," Myx said.

Glue your eyes to Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Miracle Myx Remembers

"I bet you can't name them all," I said.

"It's kinda cute sometimes--you know ... how you try to build some tension to make things interesting," Myx said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Myx." I used my huffy voice.

"You challenge me to name all the stores in this outdoor mall, and yet--you're the one that describes my memory in MIRACLE MYX. You, better than anyone knows what I can do."

Years ago I had read a book by a psychologist that described how a subject of his perfected an almost-perfect memory for the tiniest details. This person used his synesthesia to weave a complex web of sensations that correlated facts until they were retrievable down to the minutia. I had wondered how a person with this ability would act in a mystery. After I wrote MIRACLE MYX, I wondered no more.

"So you're saying, Myx, that you can name the stores easily?"

"Name the store--and every item and price in any store you dragged your sorry ass into today," Myx said.


Remember to watch Myx's book trailer--again!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Miracle Myx Acts Cool

"I think I fit right in here," Myx said.

"On the floor of a mall?" I asked.

"Do I sense some jealousy, Dave?"

"Of a book?" I always feel smart answering a question with another question--especially when I don't know the real answer or don't want to broach (yeah--I looked it up) the subject.

"Jealous of how cool I am, how I look and act--like my pal here behind me."

"Of a book?" It had worked the first time, so why not again?

"You're thinking that you could use that twice, aren't you?"

"Am not!" I defense well ... adequately ... OK--I'm lousy at arguing with Myx.

"Dave, you're cool in your own ways," Myx said.

"Really? How?" Maybe this was going to turn out better than I thought.

"Errr ... ya got me--I was bluffing to make you feel better," Myx said.

Be cool and watch Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Miracle Myx Goes Way Back

"Hey! This is high!" Myx said.

"It's worth it. This is a good shot," I said.

"Yeah--'cause you're not in danger of falling."

"Myx, when have I ever let you fall?"

"There was the time--"

"OK--maybe I didn't think that question all the way through before asking. But, you have to admit, this gives us a lot to say."

"Like Framingham was originally named Danforth's Farms after Thomas Danforth--the one that came from England in the early 1600s?"

"Yeah, like that," I added.

"He came from Framlingham, England," Myx said.

"He got the 'L' out of there!" As I snapped this pic, I had the satisfaction of beating Myx to the punch for once.

Go forth and watch Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Miracle Myx Doesn't Resist

"Go with the flow," Myx said.

"I take it you're talking about peaceful non-resistance?" It was a rhetorical question.

"Yeah, " Myx replied.

I guess even rhetorical questions get an answer once in a while.

"Did you learn anything from Gandhi's life, Myx?"

"All great people have two means of communicating: the obvious--what they actually say verbally or with the written word, and then like the plaque says--the way they conduct their life is also a message."

"What do you think your message is, Myx?"

This might go two ways: either something flip, or Myx could take it seriously and really reveal something meaningful.

"I think 'He discovered who he was' sounds good to me," Myx said.

I'll leave it to you to decide what he meant.

"And what do you think will be on my plaque, Myx?" OK--I knew I was setting myself up.

"Hmmm? 'He made a book talk' is what I'd like to see," Myx said.

I started to protest---and then thought: "That ain't bad."

Take a gander at Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Miracle Myx Focuses

"I'm talking about the laser treatment, Myx," I said.

"You're anticipating again," Myx replied.

"Smart of me, don't you think?"

"Do you really think I'm so vain that even your vague title of this entry about focusing would lead me to talking about myself?"

"After an overlong sentence like that, I know you're holding back--go ahead and get it over with, Myx."

"Well--I am rather focused. I mean, my thinking is unusually clear, don't you think?"

"That's twice you've used 'don't you think' in a short space--that's bad writing," I said.

"And whose fault is that, Dave? Who puts words literally into my mouth? Hey! Literally--get it?"

Myx seemed pleased with his effort.

"This isn't the time for finger pointing. We didn't even get a chance to talk about laser removal of tattoos, and how tattoos are clues in MIRACLE MYX and what an important part of the book they are," I said.

"Focus, Dave--focus!" Myx said.

Focus on watching Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Miracle Myx Goes Dry

"I could fall on those rocks there," Myx said.

"You could," I agreed.

"And ...?"

"And you probably won't, Myx."

"What if I get wet?"

"Do you see any water at all down there. It's perfectly dry," I said.

"You throw perfection around pretty cavalierly," Myx said.

"And you have to stop chattering away--or I just might not venture over those jagged rocks again to retrieve you. Understand?"

"Perfectly," Myx said.

Watch Myx's perfect book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Miracle Myx Enlightens

"Now this I like," Myx said.

"Finally!" It was always a welcome occurrence--Myx liking something.

"Are we still symbolizing ethereal and esoteric topics?"

"Myx--ethereal AND esoteric?"

"Too much?" Myx asked knowing what I would say.


"This is a sacred flame behind me--in the stained glass," Myx said.

"And what does it illuminate, Myx?" Why not give him an easy opening.

"I suppose the original motive was to give a visual metaphor about how certain ideas, beliefs, and faith can dispel the darkness of the soul. Do you want me to mention how in MIRACLE MYX there're intertwining themes of mystical fate, miracles, and the afterlife?"

"No," I said, "that would be too heavy for this blog." That's when I snapped this photo.

Be illuminated by Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Miracle Myx Quests

With a dead-certain tone, Myx stated: "You're gonna do that Grail thing, aren't you?"

"What gave me away?"

"Errr ... you always said this reminded you of the Grail--even though it's really a chalice or ciborium. And, no--I'm not going to tell everyone what a ciborium is."

Myx had anticipated my next prompt, but I let it go.

"Yeah," I said, "I think this epitomizes the seminal idea for the Grail quest: to view the Grail uncovered."

"I bet now you're going to say the quote," Myx said.

Myx was talking about a snippet from one of Joseph Campbell's talks--one that had seized me twenty years ago, one that I had copied onto a tape and listened to hundreds of times, trying to realize its inner meanings. It had become a meditation ... a contemplation. He was describing an ancient carving of a figure.

"In his lap is a cornucopia and from it pours inexhaustibly ... the food--that's the Grail. The Grail is the vessel of inexhaustible vitality; it is that ... fountain in the center of the Universe from which the energies of Eternity pour into the world of Time. That's the Grail."

"You want me to say the last line with you?" Myx asked.

"You know me too well, Myx; let's go!"

"It's in each of our hearts--that same energy."

Quest over to Myx's book trailer!

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