Monday, May 12, 2008

Miracle Myx Lasers In

"Let me get that freckle for you, Dave," Myx offered.

"I'll just be fine without any treatment, Myx."

"You know what else they use the ol' Q-Yag 5 for?"

"Do I have to know?"

"Only if you want to tie it into MIRACLE MYX in the vague and tenuous way you usually do," Myx said.

"NOW you got my interest, Myx--roll on, my friend!"

"This is a cosmetic laser, Dave. It can be used to remove skin lesions, but--more importantly to us ...?"

Myx was giving me an opening here, but nothing was coming to me, even though I knew it should be obvious.

"Errr...." was all I could come up with.

"Tattoo removal, Dave. Tattoos!"

"Tattoos are clues in MIRACLE MYX," I said. "They were removed in a whole different way in the book."

"Yeah," said Myx, "they were--"

"I wonder if that thing works on book covers," I added before Myx could give away any of the story's secrets.

"Errr...." It was Myx's turn to be speechless.

Treat yourself to Myx's book trailer!

Buy your OWN copy of Miracle Myx

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