Friday, May 16, 2008

Miracle Myx Is Treed

"You can hardly see me," Myx said.

"People know it's you after all this time."

"You mean just because it's my blog and there's always a photo of me here?"

"Our blog--and sure, out viewers can fill in the blanks if you've not quite as visible on one day. I think it makes for a more interesting shot, to tell you the truth," I said.

"Telling the truth again, are we?"

"Only when it helps," I said.

"You know what kind of tree this is, Dave?"

"That's a ruff one, Myx. I'll have to scratch my head and try and fetch and answer so you don't wag your finger--if you had a finger--at me."

"Dogwood, wiseass!"

"Do you know the myth about the dogwood, Myx?"

"About how the cross Jesus was nailed to was a dogwood and after that it never grew big enough to make another cross out of?"

Dammit! Why do I ever ask Myx any trivia?

"No," I countered, "the myth that any book that sits in its branches gets fleas."

Flee to watch Myx's book trailer!

Buy your OWN copy of Miracle Myx

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