Friday, December 14, 2007

Miracle Myx Uncovered

"I think I fit in perfectly," said Myx.

"Don't you feel a little overwhelmed?

We were still at the Natick Collection--this time in front of a huge photo on a storefront. It was announcing the "coming soon" of a Gilly Hicks.

"I only feel out of place because I'm not in my underwear. Other than that, I think I'm every bit as attractive as my posse here," said Myx.

"That photo's your posse?"

Myx ignored me and continued on his own path of logic. "Take my dust jacket off and re-shoot the photo!"

"If I take your dust jacket off, you'll be anonymous, and I'll have to rename this blog to 'Where's Whoever-that-is?'"

I don't know if my reasoning got through to Myx, or he was just giving me the silent treatment--but he shut up.

I thought I'd voice one last argument:

"Besides, if I stripped off your dust jacket, you wouldn't be in your underwear--you'd be naked!"

Miracle Myx--34% Pre-pub Discount

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