Monday, December 17, 2007

Miracle Myx Gets Benched

"You washed me out," Myx said.

"I have to admit, this wasn't one of my best shots. I didn't account for the effect of the flash. It didn't 'reflect' well on you!" I was proud of my bon mot.

"Hey, that was funny, Dave--the first 100 times it was said, anyway."

This was at the Solomon Pond Mall. More holiday shoppers looked to see what was going on when the flash lit up the area. I just waved.

"You make me look lonely ... like I don't have a friend in the world," Myx said. He was pouting.

"You don't have many friends--yet!" I 'd lay on some of that ol' Diotalevi charm and cheer him right up. "As soon as you're published, you'll never be alone again."

"And how long is that?"

"Just a few more months. Until then, you've always got me!" I said.

"Oy!" was all Myx could manage.

Miracle Myx

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