Saturday, December 29, 2007

Miracle Myx Gets Trashy

"Don't you think this is beneath my dignity?"

"You have dignity?" Whenever you can answer a question with a question, you're probably a little bit ahead with Myx.

"Dave, how do you make your decisions about these pics, anyway? I mean--a trash container?"

"I try to choose something that will be amusing and different," I said. I wasn't going to let on that any level surface that would let me stand MIRACLE MYX up was in contention for my next shot.

"Don't you think people might subliminally think that I'm trash?"

Myx was just full of questions today. But did he have a point? Could there be some unspoken connection that a viewer could make? Although I intentionally put some "trashy" parts into the book for spice, I certainly didn't want that kind of association to be made. I'd better let Myx know that I thought it over and valued his opinion.

"Don't be stupid; nobody's going to think that," I said just before a woman pushed a Snickers candy wrapper through the spring-loaded lid opening.

Miracle Myx

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