Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Miracle Myx Calls Out

"Did you see how grimy that mouthpiece was?" Myx asked.

"I told you not to touch it, didn't I?"

This was after a mishap that had already happened when I was setting up this photo. When I saw this claustrophobic phone niche, I thought it would make a good shot. It had the added value of not grabbing loads of puzzled looks that my more public "renderings" usually attract.

But, when I first set Miracle Myx on the phone book there, it felt a bit unstable--so I hovered my hands over it for about 10 seconds. Myx stayed fine.

What usually happens when you finally back away? Right ... the book dove to the floor, doing one 360-degree revolution in the process.

Myx wasn't amused, and I won't repeat what he said to me.

"Anyone you want to call while you're in there?" I tried to use my "playful" voice to get Myx back into the spirit of our outing.

"Yeah, how about The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Books."

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