Sunday, December 9, 2007

Miracle Myx Storms Barnes & Noble

"You left me."

"I didn't leave you; I was just across the street," I said.

Although it was still several months until the pu
blication of MIRACLE MYX, I thought it would be good for my book to visit Barnes & Noble to get a feel for the atmosphere and traffic of potential readers. I set Myx down and then prepared to get the shot.

"Did you see the looks those people were giving me as they came out or went into the store? It was embarrassing," said Myx.

"Yeah ... I mean, I didn't notice," I said. It was a little funny how people were surprised by a lone book perched open on the sidewalk there. A fe
w went over to pick it up and I had to "politely" shoo them off with "Hey--I'm taking a picture here--get outta my shot." Well--that's what I wanted to say, anyway.

I really just yelled a pleasant "Hello" and held up my camera. They got the message.

"I thought you were going to leave me there."

"I wouldn't do that--you're my only copy!" I said.

1 comment:

Rosemary Harris said...

That picture is a riot. You can have your book pictured everywhere like the gnomes in that tv commercial...Eiffel Tour, Statue of liberty...