Sunday, March 9, 2008

Miracle Myx Says Stop

"I always said your looks could stop traffic," I said--kinda pleased with my own wit.

"You really don't care about the looks we're getting as the cars grind to a halt while you set this up, do you?"

"Myx, my back is to those cars. Besides, they probably think something interesting or important is about to happen." I sounded more positive than I felt.

"They see you, and they think something interes--"

"Lots of people find me fascinating." Myx was making me defensive.

"Name one," Myx said.

"We have to finish this, and I don't have time for your quizzes. I have a quiz for you: tell me about the stop sign." I knew Myx couldn't resist.

"Originally black letters on white. Standardized with the octagonal shape in 1922 by the AASHO."

"AASHO?" I couldn't pass THAT up!

"American Association of State Highway Officials. Now--name one!

Get your copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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