Sunday, March 23, 2008

Miracle Myx Races On

"You can't complain about this, Myx." I sounded confident.

"Can't--or won't?"

"I figured I'd give you a little rest after yesterday's encounter with the cactus. See! You're all better."

"So easy for you to say, Dave. You just put me in peril, regardless of the danger or discomfort, and--"

"You look good on that turtle, Myx." Why let him get started? That makes for a long day.

"Actually, this is a tortoise."

Bingo! I'd hit one of Myx's "soft" areas: his endless delight at recalling strange facts that had become indelibly inked onto his synapses because of his synesthesia. Even though he might have seen something just once in print or in person, Myx remembered it exactly, and in the greatest detail. I might as well let him continue.

"How can you tell?" Heh, heh!

"Although both turtles and tortoises belong to the division of reptiles called chelonians, turtles live near the water and entirely submerge themselves. Tortoises live in arid areas and walk on sandy ground. This looks sandy to me, Dave."

"I bet I remember that for well over an hour, Myx," I said.

"I wish I was on a turtle; they have flatter backs. Hurry up before I fall."

Get your OWN copy of Miracle Myx

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