Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Miracle Myx Gets Plugged

"I think I look rather good next to this," Myx said.

Hey--this was a plus for me. I usually hear a torrent of complaints when Myx and I venture forth on our photo safaris.

"Yeah--the bright red of the hydrant--"

"Plug," Myx said.

"They're called fire hydrants."

"Plugs ... in the 1600s, firefighters would bore down to the water main, break it open, and get water to fight the fire. Then they'd plug it up with a stopper. These openings became known as fire plugs."

Even though I always learned something from Myx's vast store of knowledge, it always made me want to challenge him--knock him off that throne of superiority. Unfortunately, his seninars always had me in the audience.

"That may be the plug, but--the hydrant itself--I bet you don't--"

"Birdsill Holly, in 1869!" There was that tone I hated.

Get your copy of Miracle Myx

Dave Diotalevi MySpace!

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