Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Miracle Myx Crawls Ahead

We were in Worcester--at the common. Myx was sure the fountain, which was dry, was going to erupt at amy moment and deluge him.

"Let's just hurry up," Myx said.

"Myx, there's dirt, dust, and debris there. No water for a long time--get it?"

"Getting it is just what I afraid of. Getting wet."

"I should have put you on that turtle's back, " I said. "Then there'd be no chance of a hosing."

"That reminds me: What did the snail riding on the turtle's back say?"

Every once in a while, Myx likes to tell a joke. Who am I to not play along?

"What?" I said to be the straight man--not that I'm not a straight man all the time anyway!

"Wheeeee!" Myx said.

Ride Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU might be the straight man...but I don't know WHAT you would call what that statue is doing to the turtle!