Sunday, August 31, 2008

Miracle Myx Gets Patriotic

"The father of our country," Myx said.


"You're on a first-name basis now with someone who's been dead for two hundred years?"

"Seems like an old friend after growing up with him and his stories," I said.

Myx was sitting atop a small metal container carrying a lock of George Washington's hair. Relics of all types have deep-seeded power with us humans. Some believe in their magical abilities, of course. But, even if they just remind us of a person, the way they lived, and the ideals that inspired them--well--what more do you want?

"Stories like throwing the coin across the Potomac," Myx said.

"Or about chopping down the cherry tree," I added.

"Dave, do you have any stories about cherries?"

"The kind you eat?"

Pit yourself against Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

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