Saturday, September 6, 2008

Miracle Myx Remembers

"You can hardly tell," Myx said.

"Tell?" I always try to sound smart by echoing something I don't get. Does it work? Almost never, but I never said I learn from my mistakes.

"That this withered thing is an elephant. A joyous one by the looks of it."

"Symbol of what?" I asked. My voice had a hint of joy of its own since I thought this would get us onto the subject I intended.

"The GOP? You're not gonna make this a political statement, are you, Dave?"

"If I knew enough about either party I would ... I mean ... no!"

"Then, reading your transparent motives and feeble associative powers, I'd say you want me to talk about the cliché 'memory like an elephant.'"

"I have powers?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled when I asked that!

Myx ignored me and went on to explain: "Because of my synesthesia, I have a perfect memory, everything crystal clear."

"Can you remember all my other powers?"

"The crystal has gone dark!" Myx said.
Remember to watch Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

1 comment:

Janee said...

Very funny today, Dave! LOL!