Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Miracle Myx Goes Home

"We're gonna talk about Miracle, aren't we?

"The town or the phenomenon--all the same to me, Myx."

Of course it wasn't all the same, but sometimes you want to sound like you can roll with any option, be versatile and flexible. I was certainly none of those things. I love regimen, routine, form that fits my preconceived notions. I sure wasn't going to let those little traits paint me into any corners that my mouth could talk my way out of.

"Let's go with the town, Myx."

"MIRACLE MYX takes place in Massachusetts, in a little town named Miracle," Myx said.

"And, why is it named Miracle?"

"That's what its founder, Elbridge Sonnet, named it 250 years ago. Nobody ever knew why. Nobody until I--"

"Why don't we let people find out by reading the book, Myx?"

"Rhetorical question, right? You want me to shut up," Myx said.

"Now that's a miracle I've prayed for," I said.

See the miracle of Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!


Monday, September 15, 2008

Miracle Myx Makes Cutting Remarks

"I'm sure these were once considered sharp," I said.

"The people who used them were skilled craftsmen, Dave."

"And?" Now why would I say that in that way to Myx. It was sure to open some mental floodgate that I didn't want to listen to.

"Glad you asked," Myx said.

Told you!

Myx continued without a pause or a look to see if I was listening or rolling my eyes: "A craftsman has to be sure of his tools. I'm using the masculine here because in the days these were used, it was all about the man and women had their own crafts, none of which involved what I'm sitting over here."

"You're getting to some point?--get it? point! sharp! get it??" I was pleased at my own wit. OK--so I'm easily amused.

"The men who used these honed them to a razor edge, and often. Sharper than your Ginsu."

"Quit looking at my Ginsu, Myx--you know how shy I am!" Easily amused!

Look sharply at Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Miracle Myx Remembers

"You can hardly tell," Myx said.

"Tell?" I always try to sound smart by echoing something I don't get. Does it work? Almost never, but I never said I learn from my mistakes.

"That this withered thing is an elephant. A joyous one by the looks of it."

"Symbol of what?" I asked. My voice had a hint of joy of its own since I thought this would get us onto the subject I intended.

"The GOP? You're not gonna make this a political statement, are you, Dave?"

"If I knew enough about either party I would ... I mean ... no!"

"Then, reading your transparent motives and feeble associative powers, I'd say you want me to talk about the cliché 'memory like an elephant.'"

"I have powers?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled when I asked that!

Myx ignored me and went on to explain: "Because of my synesthesia, I have a perfect memory, everything crystal clear."

"Can you remember all my other powers?"

"The crystal has gone dark!" Myx said.
Remember to watch Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!
