Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Miracle Myx Leaves It

"Fall's really here," Myx said.

"In all its glory!" I thought that was called for.

"Do you know what makes leaves change their color, Dave?"

"Same reason leopards can't change their spots?"

"Now, that makes even less sense than usual," Myx said.

"I must be out of practice," I said.

"So--I take it you really don't want to know about the leaves."

"Why don't we just enjoy them and invite everyone up to Miracle, MA to see the foliage," I said.

"I'd fall for that," Myx said.

Don't fall over getting to Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Miracle Myx Gets Tracked

"Didn't we already do a variation of this?" asked Myx.

"You got something against repetition, Myx?"

"Not when it has a purpose, some deeper meaning, or a tenuous cosmic connection," Myx stated with an air of authority.

"That was for effect, right?"

"Yeah--just for the sound of it," Myx said.

"I thought we'd do the track thing because of the recent accident. Terrible thing that happened in California."

"Are we getting serious here? I mean, don't you want me to complain about maybe getting run over by an oncoming train?"

"That's one way to go, but, let's think today about how we shouldn't take for granted any trip we take safely. About how precious life is."

"You're thinking about Michael today, aren't you, Dave?"

"It's a year today that's he passed. I dedicated MIRACLE MYX to him because he always enjoyed the story, and was the first to read it."

"Let's just look up the tracks as far as we can for a while," Myx said.

And we did.

Keep track of Myx's book trailer!

Read Myx for YOURSELF!